Using same unbound text box to filter multiple fields




I am trying to use the same unbound text box on a form to be used to
filter multiple fields. But I can not get it to work. The form has an
unbound text box called txtSubject and I would like to use it to
filter records in both the [Subject] field as well as the [Issue]
field. Actually I would like to use it on more fields, but this will
do for me to get the idea and to illustrate the problem.

Here is an example

'This ads the search for anything in the subject field
If Not IsNull(Me.txtSubject) Then
sFilter = IIf(sFilter <> "", sFilter & " and ", sFilter)
sFilter = sFilter & "[Subject] Like ""*" & Me.txtSubject & "*"""
End If

'This ads the search for anything in the Issue field but not
working in combo with subject
If Not IsNull(Me.txtSubject) Then
sFilter = IIf(sFilter <> "", sFilter & " and ", sFilter)
sFilter = sFilter & "[Issue] Like ""*" & Me.txtSubject & "*"""
End If


Any sugestions on how to combine these two without having to create a
seperate text box for the [Issue] field would be appreciated.



Well after playing around with this, I came up with a solution that
works, but I'm not too crazy about it.
I created a hidden text box called txtIssue
Then using the after update event of the txtSubject box, I fill in the
hidden txtSubject

Me!txtIssue = Me!txtSubject

Then I modify the search code to include the new hidden text box:

If Not IsNull(Me.txtSubject) Then
sFilter = IIf(sFilter <> "", sFilter & " and ", sFilter)
sFilter = sFilter & "[Subject] Like ""*" & Me.txtSubject & "*"" Or"
sFilter = sFilter & "[Issue] Like ""*" & Me.txtIssue & "*"""
End If

If anyone knows a better way of doing this, please shed some light.
This will become kind of messy when I add the other 3 fields that I
want to search for.



I'm still having problems with this filter and would appreciate some
The problem is that the filter does not work well when I add the OR
The idea is that I want to use the same text box to search in two
fields and show records that have it in either.
This does not work when I also want to satisfy other conditions such
as status.

'Filter Open
If Me.ChkClosed = 0 Then
strWhere = strWhere & "([Status] = 'Open') AND "
ElseIf Me.ChkClosed = -1 Then
strWhere = strWhere & "([Status] = 'Closed') AND "
End If

'Filter Text

If Not IsNull(Me.txtSubject) Then
strWhere = strWhere & "([Subject] Like ""*" & Me.txtSubject &
"*"") Or "
strWhere = strWhere & "([Issue] Like ""*" & Me.txtIssue & "*"")
End If


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