Using Save As to create new file



We're having problems with Save As command. Each week we
create a new file for our church newsletter using Save As
and saving file name with that week's date in name.
(This is so we can easily keep all formats and some
content). For example, this week we opened file named 8-
03-03.doc and saved as 8-10-03.doc. When we change
anything in 8-10-03.doc, it changes the same thing in 8-
03-03.doc. This started happening last week. I don't if
it's a bug or if someone in the family set an option
causing this. Any ideas?


Some systems begin behaving abnormally when hyphens are
used in file names. I would suggest using windows explorer
and the F2 key to rename your documents and eliminate the
hyphen from the file name...(e.g., 8-10-03 would become,
08102003.doc). Naming files in this manner follows
standard mm,dd,yyyy rules.


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