Using secondary data source as template for repeating sections



Hi there

This is going to be difficult to explain, but I hope someone will understand
what I'm talking about.

I'm creating a form to walk someone through steps in a task and record
results of each step. The task is selected from a dropdown, this is linked
to a secondary data source (XML) that lists the types of task available and
the steps required for each. So the task "Make a cup of tea" would have the
steps "Boil kettle", "Put teabag in cup", "Pour water", "Add milk", etc.

What I want is to automatically list the steps for the selected task in my
form, and for each step to have an option group (attached to the main form
data source) indicating the result of the task. The result options will
always be the same for each step.

I've tried various ways of doing this, the best I managed was getting the
form to *look* exactly how I wanted by binding a repeating section to my
secondary data source and using conditional formatting to hide any sections
that didn't match my task. The problem with this was that the option buttons
were all bound to the same field (in my Main data source) so changing the
result of one task step changed them all.

I tried doing a master/detail control - the repeating table listing the
steps all looked right but it seems I can't link a master in one source to a
detail in another.

Is there any way to do this without writing a ton of code?



Adam Harding


I think i get you, you want the users to select a task and display the steps
in the task. They then have a complete option at the end of every task.
Give me a mail address and i will mail you an example.

Cheers Adam

(e-mail address removed)


Almost :eek:)

I need them to select an option indicating the status of each step in the

So for making a cup of tea I'd need them to say whether boiling the kettle
was successful, partly successful, unsuccessful or not applicable.
(Obviously the thing I'm doing for real is a bit more complex but the
principle is the same.)



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