Using Select Case with Visible property



Hi all.

I'm making a painting demo type thing with Powerpoint, and wanted to be able
to change a shape or image (which indicates the side of the house) depending
on which of several other shapes (swatches) is clicked. For instance, I
have 1 shape which looks like bricks (Rectangle 1), one that looks like
vinyl siding (Rectangle 2), etc. The side of the house would be Rectangle 5
(or Image 5, or whatever, if it' s an imported jpg).

So, when I click Rectangle 1, I'd like my image of a brick wall to appear
where Rectangle 5 is. If I click Rectangle 2, I'd like the brick wall image
to become the image of a vinyl sided wall. I will be using imported jpg's
as the images.

My thinking was that I'd use a Select Case to cycle through and see which
jpg object is currently visible, then make that one invisible and make the
appropriate jpg visible. However, I don't know the most efficient way to do
this (ie. would I just make all the wall images invisible and the one I want
seen visible? Or is it better to cycle through the visible property?).

Can someone supply me with a code snippet for Powerpoint that they think
would be the best way to approach this? I used to use VBA a lot, but this
Powerpoint vba seems to be a lot different (for example, I'm not used to
seeing this mso stuff; has the vba prefix been replaced with mso for the vba
editors in Office?)

I'm using Office 2003 on Windows XP Home.

Thanks for any help, it's appreciated.

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