Using "SendObject" with AOL


Steve S

I have been using the "SendObject" command to email reports and it works
great as long as the user has MS Outlook as their mail program. Users that
have AOL (and I can't convince them it adds no value) get errors.

Can the SendObject be configured to other mail programs than MS Outlook? If
not can I set up Outlook on the same PC to just be used to send from Access
and still have AOL for everyday mail send/receive.

I will post this question on the Outlook site as well.


Rick Brandt

Steve said:
I have been using the "SendObject" command to email reports and it
works great as long as the user has MS Outlook as their mail program.
Users that have AOL (and I can't convince them it adds no value) get

Can the SendObject be configured to other mail programs than MS
Outlook? If not can I set up Outlook on the same PC to just be used
to send from Access and still have AOL for everyday mail send/receive.

I will post this question on the Outlook site as well.


SendObject uses the default MAPI client on the PC. I don't know if AOL uses
MAPI, but I sort of doubt it.

Robert Waters

Steve S said:
I have been using the "SendObject" command to email reports and it works
great as long as the user has MS Outlook as their mail program. Users that
have AOL (and I can't convince them it adds no value) get errors.

Can the SendObject be configured to other mail programs than MS Outlook? If
not can I set up Outlook on the same PC to just be used to send from Access
and still have AOL for everyday mail send/receive.

I will post this question on the Outlook site as well.


You do not have to use SendObject for sending mail; there is a library
called CDO (Collaboration Data Objects) that will accomplish the same thing
given that you have access to an SMTP server that will send the mail (you
will basically bypass Outlook).
I've written a class module for just this, and it works great in my
application. You can find it at <a
href="">my site</a> - use it to your
heart's content.
You'll need a reference to cdosys.dll in your project (found in system32
directory under %SYSTEMROOT%).

Information on using AOL's SMTP server can be found at

I suppose that you could instead just configure Outlook to use AOL's SMTP
server and not have to change your app at all.

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