using single file web page as body of email message



I'm trying to send a single file web page (.mht) as the body of the email
message, not as an attachment. So far, in my test runs, it comes in as an
attachment. :-(
My email format is HTML. I've tried attaching the file at an attachment and
also inserting the file directly in the body of the email message. Both
times, I received the test message with the message body blank and the .mht
file was attached. I trying to attach the wrong type of file? I'm trying to send an
illustrated newsletter in the body of an email. I don't want the pictures to
be attached, I want them to be inserted in the body of the email.

Thanks in advance,


oops. Forgot to add...
I know I could just create the newsletter in the body of the email and
format it but it's not my newsletter, it's a client's newsletter already
formatted. I tried copying and pasting it into the body of the email but too
much of the formatting was lost.

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