Using Skip Record If in Office 97


Andrew Elliott

Hi Guys

Bit of a weird one that i cant get my head around. I have an excel spreadsheet that I'm using for data capture. I've a word document that I've got a letter in and have inserted merge fields that it picks up from the excel file. It all works just fine so so no worries there. However I won't be doing all the letters at once, and i have a column in my excel sheet that is called Letter Sent, if i have sent a letter I put y in it (which makes sense!!) My problem is I want word to skip any rows in the excel file that y in the letter sent column so I don;t do the same letters twice or 3 times even!! I thik that makes sense..... I thought I could pop in a word field.. 'Skip Record If' and set the it look for y in the Letter Sent column.... fairly basic really... however it doesnt... it just plows on through the whole lot .... anyone know how to do this without resorting to changes in excel??

Cheers guy


Doug Robbins - Word MVP

The SkipRecordIf field must precede any mergefields in the main document.

Please post any further questions or followup to the newsgroups for the
benefit of others who may be interested. Unsolicited questions forwarded
directly to me will only be answered on a paid consulting basis.

Hope this helps
Doug Robbins - Word MVP
Andrew Elliott said:
Hi Guys,

Bit of a weird one that i cant get my head around. I have an excel
spreadsheet that I'm using for data capture. I've a word document that I've
got a letter in and have inserted merge fields that it picks up from the
excel file. It all works just fine so so no worries there. However I won't
be doing all the letters at once, and i have a column in my excel sheet that
is called Letter Sent, if i have sent a letter I put y in it (which makes
sense!!) My problem is I want word to skip any rows in the excel file that y
in the letter sent column so I don;t do the same letters twice or 3 times
even!! I thik that makes sense..... I thought I could pop in a word field..
'Skip Record If' and set the it look for y in the Letter Sent column....
fairly basic really... however it doesnt... it just plows on through the
whole lot .... anyone know how to do this without resorting to changes in

Andrew Elliott

Cheers for that...BUT..... having just tried it with Skip record If and next Record If it's still not doing it... I've put the fields at the beginning of the document and tried it also with them just before the first merge field, I must be doing something wrong here or am a complete dork.... Words never beaten me before!!!

Any other ideas???? Its frying my brain!

Many Thank


----- Doug Robbins - Word MVP wrote: ----

The SkipRecordIf field must precede any mergefields in the main document

Please post any further questions or followup to the newsgroups for th
benefit of others who may be interested. Unsolicited questions forwarde
directly to me will only be answered on a paid consulting basis

Hope this help
Doug Robbins - Word MV
Andrew Elliott said:
spreadsheet that I'm using for data capture. I've a word document that I'v
got a letter in and have inserted merge fields that it picks up from th
excel file. It all works just fine so so no worries there. However I won'
be doing all the letters at once, and i have a column in my excel sheet tha
is called Letter Sent, if i have sent a letter I put y in it (which make
sense!!) My problem is I want word to skip any rows in the excel file that
in the letter sent column so I don;t do the same letters twice or 3 time
even!! I thik that makes sense..... I thought I could pop in a word field.
'Skip Record If' and set the it look for y in the Letter Sent column...
fairly basic really... however it doesnt... it just plows on through th
whole lot .... anyone know how to do this without resorting to changes i

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

If you send me the mailmerge main document, I will try and see what the
problem is. It works for me here.

Please post any further questions or followup to the newsgroups for the
benefit of others who may be interested. Unsolicited questions forwarded
directly to me will only be answered on a paid consulting basis.

Hope this helps
Doug Robbins - Word MVP
Andrew Elliott said:
Cheers for that...BUT..... having just tried it with Skip record If and
next Record If it's still not doing it... I've put the fields at the
beginning of the document and tried it also with them just before the first
merge field, I must be doing something wrong here or am a complete dork....
Words never beaten me before!!!!

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