Are there certain general guidlines to follow when using Solver? - I
am trying to set up a model and keep getting "Solver could not find a
feasible solution." I have reduced my model to the very basics and
keep getting the error, so I believe I am trying to do something
Solver does not like. The general scenario: I work at a hospital and
have twenty patients. Each patient could receive service "1" or
service "2." Depending on the insurance of the patient, I will
receive a different payment. I can provide four "2s" in the amount of
time it takes to perform one "1.".
The model:
Column B is patient (30 rows)
Column C is insurance
Column D is service - either a 1 or 2.
Column I is the amount of payment, depending on the values of columns
C and D
I want to maximize cell I30 (sum of column) subject to constraints on
column D of
31 = integer
31 >= 2
31 <= 1
E10 <= 10 (this cell is the total time based on the number of "1s" and
"2s" in column D)
I can key in different values in column D to determine the max, but
cannot get Solver to do it. Column I has formulas using vlookup to
values in other columns that are dependant on values in columns C and
D. Perhaps that is my problem? Are there things Solver does not
like? Sorry to post so "general" a question, and a long one at that.
am trying to set up a model and keep getting "Solver could not find a
feasible solution." I have reduced my model to the very basics and
keep getting the error, so I believe I am trying to do something
Solver does not like. The general scenario: I work at a hospital and
have twenty patients. Each patient could receive service "1" or
service "2." Depending on the insurance of the patient, I will
receive a different payment. I can provide four "2s" in the amount of
time it takes to perform one "1.".
The model:
Column B is patient (30 rows)
Column C is insurance
Column D is service - either a 1 or 2.
Column I is the amount of payment, depending on the values of columns
C and D
I want to maximize cell I30 (sum of column) subject to constraints on
column D of
E10 <= 10 (this cell is the total time based on the number of "1s" and
"2s" in column D)
I can key in different values in column D to determine the max, but
cannot get Solver to do it. Column I has formulas using vlookup to
values in other columns that are dependant on values in columns C and
D. Perhaps that is my problem? Are there things Solver does not
like? Sorry to post so "general" a question, and a long one at that.