I've inherited a set of worksheets that are used by many to enter data and
want to filter one or more columns and then, within the filter drop down, use
"Sort Ascending" to arrange the filtered data to my preference. Some of
these worksheets (all intended to be idential in their sorting/filtering
characteristics) permit doing both ("filter col A for "X" and sort results in
col B via the filter dropdown), and others permit the filter but give me the
"The cell or chart you are trying to change is protected..." By unprotecting
and tabbing I can see which cells in the two sheets are protected, and they
differ by a lot: the sheet that has few cells formated to be protected
permits the two operations while the offending sheet has cell protection in
place across the header (3 row header). I want to make both easily
filterable and sortable, but am worried that reducing the protection will
permit a clumsy user to scramble my sheet. Can anyone advise me whether
using cell-protection formatting on all header rows EXCEPT the bottom row
with the Autofilter triangles will permit both operations and still prevent
someone from scrambling data? Or any other good ideas? Thanks!
want to filter one or more columns and then, within the filter drop down, use
"Sort Ascending" to arrange the filtered data to my preference. Some of
these worksheets (all intended to be idential in their sorting/filtering
characteristics) permit doing both ("filter col A for "X" and sort results in
col B via the filter dropdown), and others permit the filter but give me the
"The cell or chart you are trying to change is protected..." By unprotecting
and tabbing I can see which cells in the two sheets are protected, and they
differ by a lot: the sheet that has few cells formated to be protected
permits the two operations while the offending sheet has cell protection in
place across the header (3 row header). I want to make both easily
filterable and sortable, but am worried that reducing the protection will
permit a clumsy user to scramble my sheet. Can anyone advise me whether
using cell-protection formatting on all header rows EXCEPT the bottom row
with the Autofilter triangles will permit both operations and still prevent
someone from scrambling data? Or any other good ideas? Thanks!