TAD from DBL
How can I just use SQL against tables right in Excel? Why won't something
like this work? Why would I have to open up a channel when I just want to
work with an excel table?
Dim Querystring As String
Dim DatabaseName As String
DatabaseName = "testtable"
QueryString = "SELECT * FROM testtable.field_three WHERE
Chan = SQLOpen(DNS??& testtable)
SQLExecQuery Chan, Querystring
Set Output = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1")
SQLRetrieve Chan, Output, , , True
SQLClose Chan
End Sub
like this work? Why would I have to open up a channel when I just want to
work with an excel table?
Dim Querystring As String
Dim DatabaseName As String
DatabaseName = "testtable"
QueryString = "SELECT * FROM testtable.field_three WHERE
Chan = SQLOpen(DNS??& testtable)
SQLExecQuery Chan, Querystring
Set Output = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1")
SQLRetrieve Chan, Output, , , True
SQLClose Chan
End Sub