Using Subweb to Link Different Users to Different Webpages




On my homepage I have a link that links to a webpage in a subweb, and it is working great...

I am hosting the webpage on my server; therefore I am the administrator and have access to the front page extension properties.

My problem is this... I need to have one link on my homepage link to two different secure pages depending on the user that logs in. I don't want to provide two different links because I don't want my users to know each other.

Currently my link is like this.

Exp. Link -> url is And I have created a user that can access this subweb webpage. Exp. user store1 with password.

Now I want to change my link to link to the subweb but depending upon the user account that logs in, is which webpage the user will be direct to.

Exp. Link -> If user account is store1 then link to and if user account is store2 then link to

Is this possible with basic FrontPage, or would this require JavaScript or ASP?


Mike Mueller

I would probably go the asp route, have them log in against
a db and have another field in there with a location to
redirect to

: Hi,
: On my homepage I have a link that links to a webpage in a
: subweb, and it is working great...
: I am hosting the webpage on my server; therefore I am the
: administrator and have access to the front page extension
: properties.
: My problem is this... I need to have one link on my
: homepage link to two different secure pages depending on
: the user that logs in. I don't want to provide two
: different links because I don't want my users to know
: each other.
: Currently my link is like this.
: Exp. Link -> url is
: And I have
: created a user that can access this subweb webpage. Exp.
: user store1 with password.
: Now I want to change my link to link to the subweb but
: depending upon the user account that logs in, is which
: webpage the user will be direct to.
: Exp. Link -> If user account
: is store1 then link to
: and if user
: account is store2 then link to
: Is this possible with basic FrontPage, or would this
: require JavaScript or ASP?
: Thanks,


Since your users are required to log in I am going to make
a couple of assumptions:
1. You are already opening a recordset to verify that
usernames and passwords match
2. In the user registration is where you are determining
access restrictions.

With that said, what I would do is place another column in
the db to reflect an access level (or something like
that). Once the user logs in you can set a session
variable with the appropriate access level, and display
the correct link. For example, in your db table there
would be myusername, mypassword, and myaccesslevel
entries. For the sake of argument we'll say myaccesslevel
is equal to 10. In the code that authenticates the
username&password, after it has been verified, but before
you close the db connection, simply place the following

Session("USERACCESS") = your.recordset("myaccesslevel")

Then later in the page where you want your link to be
displayed it would look something like this:
<% if Session("USERACCESS")=10 then %>
<a href="">Store1</a>
<% else %>
<a href="">Store2</a>
<% end if %>

or vice versa, but I think you get the point. If not email
me and I can go more in depth.
-----Original Message-----

On my homepage I have a link that links to a webpage in a
subweb, and it is working great...
I am hosting the webpage on my server; therefore I am the
administrator and have access to the front page extension
My problem is this... I need to have one link on my
homepage link to two different secure pages depending on
the user that logs in. I don't want to provide two
different links because I don't want my users to know each
Currently my link is like this.

Exp. Link -> url is And I have
created a user that can access this subweb webpage. Exp.
user store1 with password.
Now I want to change my link to link to the subweb but
depending upon the user account that logs in, is which
webpage the user will be direct to.
Exp. Link -> If user account
is store1 then link to and if user account
is store2 then link to

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