hi, Joe !
... is there a sum or autosum capability that would allow me to select every fourth cell in a column
and then automatically total them up as you would in a column of contigious numbers?
It just seems to me to be something that MS would do that would be a real neat capability
rather than having to know Excel so well as to come up with such a complicated formula
to do something that could be done so simply...
i don't know of any "native" function with such capabilities (auto-sum arbitrary selected cells/range)
but... (if excel doesn't have one, you can build at your own) you might want to give a try to the folowing:
- a sub procedure (which could be assiged to a shortcut ?) like:
Sub ArbitraryRangeSum()
On Error Resume Next
Application.InputBox( _
Prompt:="Select TargetCell", _
Title:="Sum formula in...", _
Default:=ActiveCell.Address, _
Type:=8).Cells(1).Formula = _
"=sum(" & Selection.Address & ")"
End Sub
select one, two or more (non)contiguous cells/range and run the macro above
if you don't need absolute references... change the last line:
from: -> "=sum(" & Selection.Address & ")"
to: -> "=sum(" & Selection.Address(0, 0) & ")"
__ OP __
Okay. In the column, I have a sales figure followed by a revenue figure followed by a commission figure and then a blank cell
then, repeat sales, revenue, commmission, blank cell. This series is repeated 12 times for twelve months.
At the bottom of the column I want the total sales in the first cell followed by the total revenue followed by the total commission.
I know that I can create =sum(a1,a5,a9,a13, etc), but I thought that there should be a way
using the autosum icon after selecting the cells I wanted in the total cell...
(i.e.) data in [A1:A23] every 4 rows (sales, revenue, commission, blank)
in [A25] you need the sum of sales (a1,a5,a9,a13)
copy/drag down [A26:A27] and you will get the sum of revenue (A26) and commission (A27)
(modify/adapt according your needs)