Using sumproduct to sum multiple colums



I have split up my data in the following manner:
8 8 4:30
8 9 8:10 0:00 3:25
9 9 3:05
9 9 49:45
9 9 143:20
9 9 8:00
9 9 1:45
9 9 7:35
9 9 149:15
9 9 14:55
9 10 150:55 0:00 40:25
10 10 17:15

The first two columns represent months and the next three represent
downtime. I have split up the downtime where it overlaps between months.
Column C has downtime in with respect to the same row and for the month in
column A. Column E is with respect to Column B for the same row. What I need
to do is add these three clomns together based on an observation date I enter
in a different sheet. I was trying;
Obs. date Start End


but this is grabbing more colums than I want, also it is a very long formula
and I need to replicate this formula for 15 worksheets. Any help would be

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