GS said:
vbTab is correct, because that's the ASCII code for the tab
character. (Chr(57) = "9".)
vbKeyTab is the scan code for pressing the Tab key on the keyboard (a
completely unrelated task), largely used in forms, like this:
Private Sub UserForm_KeyPress(ByVal KeyAscii As
MSForms.ReturnInteger) If vbKeyTab = KeyAscii Then MsgBox "Tab"
End Sub
Thanks! That makes sense since KeyAscii would be the right place for
using vbKey<whateve> because we would be testing a keyboard action! I'm
not familiar with vbKeyTab because the only keyboard action I test for
is when the ESC key is pressed, and I always use the numeric value
rather than the VB constant.
Also, vbTab is a printable string character and so makes sense that it
would be used for delimiting a string!<g>
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