Using Table to emulate Cornell Note Taking method



Hi all

I am using the cornell method for note taking in my studies. To do this,
because there is no template in word, I use a two column table - the left
hand side for prompts and the right for notes.

I have 2 issues.
1- when I start inserting prompts or words on the left hand side, I start to
hit enter to go to the next line etc and try to align it with the sentences
on the right hand side column but they never align. Can someone tell me why
and how to resolve it.
2- is there anyway of linking a paragraph on the left column with a
paragraph on the right column? when I start typing in notes on the right
column I then have to adjust the left column again so that the prompts align
to the right paragraphs on the right.

I hope someone can help.




thanks suzanne, I will try the frame method, I am actually using the
outlining method on the right column, hence it's cornell and outline method.

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