Mike Smitson
I am working with a Non-Profit organization who is trying to migrate from
paper to web based submission of their required data. Currently all data
input is manually done at the headquarters by the staff. This means the only
way to submit data changes is to snail mail them. I was thinking of using a
bunch of downloadable .oft forms for these secretaries to send to the
headquarters, their data in an e-mail format rather than hard copy.
Attachments are difficult for some to use and could contain a virus, so are
While using Outlook12 Beta 2, I was able to make a Template without too much
a problem. I just need to know where and how these files can be stored on
the user's machine, so I can tell them how to find which template to use.
paper to web based submission of their required data. Currently all data
input is manually done at the headquarters by the staff. This means the only
way to submit data changes is to snail mail them. I was thinking of using a
bunch of downloadable .oft forms for these secretaries to send to the
headquarters, their data in an e-mail format rather than hard copy.
Attachments are difficult for some to use and could contain a virus, so are
While using Outlook12 Beta 2, I was able to make a Template without too much
a problem. I just need to know where and how these files can be stored on
the user's machine, so I can tell them how to find which template to use.