I am starting in Word 2003 and creating a merge email document using a
categorized group of contacts from my Outlook. I am doing this because BCc
is often misunderstood by recipient since their name is not readily apparent
(in the TO: field) and can be discarded. If I use the "distribution list" in
Outlook then everyone's address will be displayed to everyone else. So
that's why I'm using the merge in Word and I am pleased with the results of
that - individual emails as opposed to group. Why do I need the "display
as:" to show - well two reasons, more personal for the recipient I have been
communicating with using the display as for the past period and secondly when
I search within my sent or other designated folders it is much easier to
find. These emails are project oriented, I have not yet met the recipients
until they arrive at the project workshop, so the addresses are not readily
recognizable by me.
Now you tell me why I need to justify to you 'why' I want to use the Display
as field.