Using the OFFSET function within SUMXMY2




I have the following functions working perfectly well:
I also have the following working well:
But the following function returns the #NUM! error
I tried other functions that operate on two dynamic range parameters and
they also don't work.
I tried in Excel 2003 and Excel 2007.
What am I doing wrong?




The reason your version is not working is because ROW($G$2) and ROW($H$2)
are being returned as an ARRAY
i.e. instead of returning 2 as ins SUMSQ it is being returned as {2}... You
can see this if you evaluate the formula...

I have wrapped them in SUM() so that you get a scalar...

Shane Devenshire


I think you can simplify your formula down to this and it will work:


First the ROW($G$2) and ROW($H$2) are static, they always equal 2 so just
use 2. A few of the other arguments can be left out because you are using
the default.


Thank you. I already did simplify it to some degree, but the reference to the
fixed cells serves a purpose.
The spreadsheet will continue to work when cells are inserted or removed
because Excel will update the references automatically, while if I just wrote
"2" I would have to change every cell manually.

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