using the results of a query in the body of an E-mail



I've been attaching Excel or Word to an e-mail for years now, but now I need
to do something different. I need to take a query and fill in the Body of an
E-mail. I think it has to do with a Recordset, Loop and building a string,
but I don't quite have the thought process down, Any HELP or ideas?

Jack Leach

The result of a query is nothing but raw data. How would you like to format
it? It can go into an excel sheet, and then into an email, or into a report,
which can then be put in an email.

I suppose if you really wanted to put just the query result into an email
you could export it as a delimited text, but in essance, a query has no
format at all... you need some means of displaying the data that the query

Jack Leach

"I haven't failed, I've found ten thousand ways that don't work."
-Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Dirk Goldgar

FedWerkker said:
I've been attaching Excel or Word to an e-mail for years now, but now I
to do something different. I need to take a query and fill in the Body of
E-mail. I think it has to do with a Recordset, Loop and building a
but I don't quite have the thought process down, Any HELP or ideas?

In principle, it would be something like this:

'------ start of example code ------

Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim strBody As String

' Set prefatory part of message body.
strBody = "Hi! Here's some nice juicy data for you:" & vbCrLf

Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("YourQuery")
With rs
Do Until .EOF

' Append data from current record to the message body.
strBody = strBody & vbCrLf & _
!SomeField & " " & !SomeOtherField

' Proceed to next record.
End With

' Append any closing text.
strBody = strBody & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"Yours truly," & _
"The Fount of All Knowledge"

' Send the message.
DoCmd.SendObject _
To:="(e-mail address removed)", _
Subject:="Data For You", _

'------ end of example code ------


Thank you, I've copied the code. I will have to internalize what it's doing.
This is very usable.

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