I am familiar with using SQL statements such as "SELECT TOP !) FROM
...", but I have a situation that has me stumped. I have a table similar
to this (but with thousands of individuals):
Bob 5 3.25
Ned 4 3.67
Bob 3 3.25
Bob 4 3.25
Ned 2 3.67
Bob 1 3.25
Ned 5 3.67
I can't figure out how to get Access to give me the top n people rather
than the top n records. I tried grouping on name, but then I lose the
ability to see each score. I need a query that will return:
Ned 5 3.67
Ned 4 3.67
Ned 2 3.67
In response to something like "SELECT TOP 1 NAME".
You have a solution, so consider this just for fun.
Open a new database, create a new module and copy the
subprogram into the module, save the module, in the
immediate window, type call CreateTable and press enter.
It is sort of like your data except it does not start with
data already averaged. It uses TOP 1 so as to illustrate
that it works, that is, hopefully works. (watch for line wrapping)
Sub CreateTable()
With CurrentProject.Connection
.Execute _
"CREATE TABLE MyTable" & _
" (person_name VARCHAR (30) NOT NULL," & _
" test_date DATETIME NOT NULL," & _
" test_score DECIMAL (6,2)," & _
" PRIMARY KEY (person_name, test_date));"
.Execute "INSERT INTO MyTable VALUES('Bob','5/1/2007',5);"
.Execute "INSERT INTO MyTable VALUES('Bob','5/7/2007',3);"
.Execute "INSERT INTO MyTable VALUES('Bob','5/14/2007',4);"
.Execute "INSERT INTO MyTable VALUES('Bob','5/21/2007',1);"
.Execute "INSERT INTO MyTable VALUES('Ned','5/1/2007',4);"
.Execute "INSERT INTO MyTable VALUES('Ned','5/14/2007',2);"
.Execute "INSERT INTO MyTable VALUES('Ned','5/21/2007',5);"
.Execute _
"CREATE VIEW Top_Test_Averages AS " & _
" SELECT MyTable.person_name," & _
" MyTable.test_date," & _
" MyTable.test_score," & _
" (Select Count (*) FRom Mytable as a where a.person_name = " &
" MyTable.person_name and a.test_date <=MyTable.test_date) AS
[Tests Taken]," & _
" (Select Sum(a.test_score) FRom Mytable as a where
a.person_name = " & _
" MyTable.person_name and a.test_date <=MyTable.test_date) AS
[Total Score]," & _
" Round((Select Sum(a.test_score) FRom Mytable as a where
a.person_name =" & _
" MyTable.person_name and a.test_date <=MyTable.test_date)/" & _
" (Select Count (*) FRom Mytable as a where a.person_name = " &
" MyTable.person_name and a.test_date <=MyTable.test_date),2) AS
[Tests Average]" & _
" FROM MyTable INNER JOIN (SELECT TOP 1 b.person_name,
Avg_score" & _
" FROM (SELECT b.person_name, Avg(b.test_score) AS Avg_score" &
" FROM MyTable AS b" & _
" GROUP BY b.person_name) AS b" & _
" ORDER BY Avg_score DESC) AS b" & _
" ON MyTable.person_name = b.person_name;"
Dim rs
Set rs = .Execute("SELECT * FROM Top_Test_Averages;")
MsgBox rs.GetString
End With
End Sub