using two worksheets on Excel




I wanted to do the following -

I have a master database of about 2000 items (with details against each
name). I also generate smaller lists (only names) every week that comprise
items from this list. Now is there any way I can pull out other details about
each item if I have these two worksheets? Any help would be greatly


Roger Govier


Use Vlookup
Assuming your data is in a Sheet called Master, in columns A through E,
and your smaller list has entries in column A of a Sheet called List.

In B1 of List enter
Copy across through C1:E1 and copy B2:E2 down as far as you wish.

If you are using either more, or less columns than 5, then amend
$A$1:$E$1000 to suit.


Another way would be to use a helper column on your main database and just
put a "x" in it for each row you want to reproduce on the othere list and
then use the Data > Filter > Autofilter feature to filter for just those rows
and to create the new list.

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

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