I have a worksheet with an array of data similar to (but much bigger
than) the example below
Type Size Value
1 10ct 1
2 450gr p 20ct 2
1 3000GR P 100ct 3
2 200GR P 10ct 4
1 10GR P 15ct 5
I have named these cells "rngData"
Column A is a type column B is a product description and column C is a
value. In reality there are 8 description columns and 100+ value
I have another sheet which looks up this data sheet and does a
SUMPRODUCT where the attributes match what descriptions I specify.
So if on sheet 2 I have the following on rows 18 and 19:
ColumnA ColumnB ColumnC
The answers in cells C18 and C19 are 9 and 6 - correct.
What I want to do in addition is to somehow include rows where the
"CT" value (ie what is immediately before CT in column B) is within a
I have written a function to find that value but if I try to include
the function in my SUMPRODUCT all I get is a #Value error.
What I am trying is:
...in other words where the count value in column B is 10.
Can anyone suggest what is probably a schoolby error I have made?
My functions are as follows. (There are 2 because my home PC is excel
97 and doesn't have "InstrRev")
Function FindCTSize2(str As String) As Integer
Dim intSpacePos As Integer
Dim intCTPos As Integer
Dim blnCT As Boolean
intCTPos = InStr(1, str, "CT", 1)
If intCTPos > 0 Then
intSpacePos = Findreverse(str, " ")
If intSpacePos > 0 Then
FindCTSize2 = Mid(str, intSpacePos + 1, intCTPos - 1 -
FindCTSize2 = Left(str, intCTPos - 1)
End If
End If
End Function
Function Findreverse(s As String, f As String) As Integer
newstring = ""
For x = Len(s) To 1 Step -1
newstring = newstring & Mid(s, x, 1)
If InStr(1, s, " ", 1) > 0 Then
Findreverse = Len(s) - InStr(1, newstring, f) + 1
Findreverse = 0
End If
End Function
Many thanks
John Pomfret
I have a worksheet with an array of data similar to (but much bigger
than) the example below
Type Size Value
1 10ct 1
2 450gr p 20ct 2
1 3000GR P 100ct 3
2 200GR P 10ct 4
1 10GR P 15ct 5
I have named these cells "rngData"
Column A is a type column B is a product description and column C is a
value. In reality there are 8 description columns and 100+ value
I have another sheet which looks up this data sheet and does a
SUMPRODUCT where the attributes match what descriptions I specify.
So if on sheet 2 I have the following on rows 18 and 19:
ColumnA ColumnB ColumnC
The answers in cells C18 and C19 are 9 and 6 - correct.
What I want to do in addition is to somehow include rows where the
"CT" value (ie what is immediately before CT in column B) is within a
I have written a function to find that value but if I try to include
the function in my SUMPRODUCT all I get is a #Value error.
What I am trying is:
...in other words where the count value in column B is 10.
Can anyone suggest what is probably a schoolby error I have made?
My functions are as follows. (There are 2 because my home PC is excel
97 and doesn't have "InstrRev")
Function FindCTSize2(str As String) As Integer
Dim intSpacePos As Integer
Dim intCTPos As Integer
Dim blnCT As Boolean
intCTPos = InStr(1, str, "CT", 1)
If intCTPos > 0 Then
intSpacePos = Findreverse(str, " ")
If intSpacePos > 0 Then
FindCTSize2 = Mid(str, intSpacePos + 1, intCTPos - 1 -
FindCTSize2 = Left(str, intCTPos - 1)
End If
End If
End Function
Function Findreverse(s As String, f As String) As Integer
newstring = ""
For x = Len(s) To 1 Step -1
newstring = newstring & Mid(s, x, 1)
If InStr(1, s, " ", 1) > 0 Then
Findreverse = Len(s) - InStr(1, newstring, f) + 1
Findreverse = 0
End If
End Function
Many thanks
John Pomfret