I have Word 97
I wanted to stop users pasting into a user form's text box using Ctrl + V
but I want them to be able to type into it.
I thought that I could use the Textbox BeforeDropOrPaste event. I thought I
could put
into the BeforeDropOrPaste event of the text box but when I try this I get
'Unexpected Call to Method or Property Access'
There aren't any examples in the Help for BeforeDropOrPaste so I'm not sure
how to make it work.
Could the settings for Shift be used somehow since the user would have to
use Ctrl + V to paste into the text box?
I wanted to stop users pasting into a user form's text box using Ctrl + V
but I want them to be able to type into it.
I thought that I could use the Textbox BeforeDropOrPaste event. I thought I
could put
into the BeforeDropOrPaste event of the text box but when I try this I get
'Unexpected Call to Method or Property Access'
There aren't any examples in the Help for BeforeDropOrPaste so I'm not sure
how to make it work.
Could the settings for Shift be used somehow since the user would have to
use Ctrl + V to paste into the text box?