As in my last question, I have a table with addresses and phone numbers.
Some of the entries are outside my metropolitan area, hence, different area
codes. I have already done a query to separate the foreign area codes and
now need to do an update query to put a 1 in front of the phone number. How
do I add a 1 to update the phone numbers. I would like to update the entire
column at one time. Keep in mind, I have segregated these numbers from my
home area numbers.
Some of the entries are outside my metropolitan area, hence, different area
codes. I have already done a query to separate the foreign area codes and
now need to do an update query to put a 1 in front of the phone number. How
do I add a 1 to update the phone numbers. I would like to update the entire
column at one time. Keep in mind, I have segregated these numbers from my
home area numbers.