using variable from input box



I have this code:
MyLocation = InputBox("Enter LTX or EPT", "Pick Option")
If MyLocation = "" Or MyLocation <> "LTX" Or MyLocation <> EPT Then
MsgBox "Nothing entered/Cancel or Wrong Location"
Exit Sub
End If

Of course is not working. I need to exist sub if user puts something
different than EPT or LTX (the same if user press cancel or press ok without
typing anything)

I think is not working becasuse the two "Or" exclude the other option (e.g.
if user types LTX then Mylocation <> EPT...)

How can I solve this?


Rick Rothstein

The problem is that "LTX" will satisfy the MyLocation<>"EPT" and "EPT" will
satisfy the MyLocation<>"LTX" and, because you OR'ed them, they and every
other entry will satisfy your conditions. I would do it like Gary''s Student
posted, but an alternative using the structure I think you were after would
be this...

If MyLocation = "" Or (MyLocation <> "LTX" And MyLocation <> "EPT") Then


Thanks a lot!!

Gary''s Student said:
Sub marine()
Dim s As String
s = Application.InputBox(prompt:="enter LTX or EPT", Type:=2)
If s = "EPT" Or s = "LTX" Then
MsgBox ("Thanks")
MsgBox ("I am leaving")
End If
End Sub


When testing a variable cell etc for multiple conditions it is best to
use Select Case statements nstead of If statements

If commands are case sensitve so EPT is not the same as ept or Ept
Use Lcase or Ucase to convert text to all uper or lower case letters

The following code is based on the code in Gary's reply

Sub marine()
Dim s As String
s = Application.InputBox(prompt:="enter LTX or EPT", Type:=2)
Select Case UCase(s)
Case "EPT", "LTX"
MsgBox ("Thanks")
Case Else
MsgBox ("I am leaving")
End Select
End Sub


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