I am attempting to use variable names in the transferSpread sheet method
instead of just putting in the name. I want to create a spreadsheet name
based on the concatenation of several fields on a form to generate a unique
name for the spreadsheet each time it is generated (area name, begin date
field, and end date field). These spreadsheets are to be sent to a central
state location where they will be imported into a central database. I wanted
a way to create a unique name for the file from each area. Is this even
possible or should I just use some other method to accomplish this? Thanks.
(I will be on vacation all next week so I won't see any response until
instead of just putting in the name. I want to create a spreadsheet name
based on the concatenation of several fields on a form to generate a unique
name for the spreadsheet each time it is generated (area name, begin date
field, and end date field). These spreadsheets are to be sent to a central
state location where they will be imported into a central database. I wanted
a way to create a unique name for the file from each area. Is this even
possible or should I just use some other method to accomplish this? Thanks.
(I will be on vacation all next week so I won't see any response until