Ed Warren
VBA Module
Public Function getDepartment() as integer
getDepartment = 1 (I have several departments with their own copy of the
*.adp front end and each will have different values for the getDepartment()
End Function
What I want to do:
Select all records from dbo.Departments where the DepartmentID =
I have built the following ADP function
SELECT DepartmentID, DepartmentName
FROM dbo.Departments
WHERE (DepartmentID = @selectDepartment)
What I need now is to know specifically how to call the SelectDepartment
function, setting the parameter
@selectDepartment = getDepartment()
Thanks in advance
Ed Warren
Public Function getDepartment() as integer
getDepartment = 1 (I have several departments with their own copy of the
*.adp front end and each will have different values for the getDepartment()
End Function
What I want to do:
Select all records from dbo.Departments where the DepartmentID =
I have built the following ADP function
SELECT DepartmentID, DepartmentName
FROM dbo.Departments
WHERE (DepartmentID = @selectDepartment)
What I need now is to know specifically how to call the SelectDepartment
function, setting the parameter
@selectDepartment = getDepartment()
Thanks in advance
Ed Warren