Using VBA to export task usage view to excel


Chris Hayes

I need to write a VBA macro to export the task usage view
to an excel workbook.

I am looking to filter the task usage view by resource and
then get the figures for the work they are going to do
over a specified fortnight and export that data into
excel, preferably preserving indenting of the tasks.

Any pointers would be gratefully received.




I was trying to remember if the "analyze timescale data in Excel" add-in
would get you close enough but it doesn't. As far a pointers for
developing the macro you want, here is the pseudo code:
1. Use the GetObject or CreateObject Functions to start an instance of
Excel from the Project macro. I find it more convenient to keep Excel in
the background while writing the data
2. I also find it is sometimes more convenient to pre-format the Excel
Worksheet (using VBA) before actually writing the data
3. Create a loop in the code to go through each Task, Resource or
Assignment of interest.
4. Inside the loop, use the TimescaleData Method to gather the data from
Project. This method can gather Task, Resource or Assignment data as
5. After each piece of data is gathered, write it into the appropriate
cell on the Excel Worksheet
6. After all data is written, make Excel visible to see the result.
7. You can also automate a printout of the Worksheet or continue on and
create graphs of data as desired.

If you need additional help, post again or you can write me direct.

Hope this helps.

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