Using VBA to export to Excel



It is my understanding that it is possible to use VBA to export certain
fields tasks to Excel, programmatically - by running a macro.
Can someone post some sample code to that effect? What I'm looking for is
code for three scenarios, but if you can help me with one, I may be able to
figure my way around the others.
Scenario 1:
Export certain fields - wbs, task description, duration, start date, end
date, dependencies - for all tasks.

Scenario 2:
The user's selected a few tasks. Export above fields for only those tasks to

Scenario 3:
The tasks are grouped by Resources (Resource Group), Export tasks belonging
to a specific resource group to excel.

Again, sample code on any of the above will help me get started.


Mike Glen

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Mike Glen
Project MVP


I have a few macro examples which deal with export to excel.
The basic process of opening and writing to excel would be the same for all
of your requests. The only thing that would need to change is the code to
step through all of the groups.

Here is a brief guide to what you need to do for each scenario

scenario 1:

for each task in activeproject.tasks
'write out task.wbs, move to next cell, write out ...
next task

scenario 2:

for each task in activeselection.tasks
'write out task.wbs, move to next cell, write out ...
next task

scenario 3:
'open excel
'build array of resource groups
'pick the first resource group
'go through each task (using same for each task code as above)
'go through each resource in task.resources and if that
'equals the resource group then write the task information to excel
'go to next resource
'go to next task
'go to next resource group
'close excel

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