Using vba to mail a spradsheet

  • Thread starter Steve Douglas P2p, MCP
  • Start date

Steve Douglas P2p, MCP

Hi All,

I am sending a spreadsheet to a manager for approval, and once it is
approved I would like the spreadsheet to be mailed back to me by a
button click.

I am using the below code, and would be grateful if you could let me
know if this is correct, or if there is a beter way to do it. We are
working with Outlook exchange as an email client, if that is of any

Sub Quote_Accepted()


ActiveWorkbook.EnvelopeVisible = True

With ActiveSheet.MailEnvelope
.Introduction = "This Quote has been approved."
.Item.To = "my email adress"
.Item.Subject = "Quote Acceptance"
End With
End Sub

Thanks for any help

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