S Davis
Hey folks,
I've been using this for over a year now, so it works great. However,
I've run out of room on the single line I have been using within VBA
to send the email to addresses.
All the code below does is save one worksheet within the workbook to a
file named the current date, then email that seperate file out to a
distribution list. The distribution list (below,
(e-mail address removed) to (e-mail address removed)) has been manually
typed in and updated as our group expands. The problem is I have run
out of room *sheepish* and don't know how to either expand this
distribution list onto a second line, or dump some addresses into the
CC for outlook.
If that's unclear - VBA simply won't let me type anymore characters
into the line I am using for the distribution list, and I need to add
more addresses.
Here's the (simple) code:
Private Sub WorkbookOpen()
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Daily Email").Copy
ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Formula = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.value
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs "\\Our_Server\Location\" & "Fleet Daily Status -
" & Format(Date, "Mmm-dd-yy") & ".xls"
ActiveWorkbook.SendMail Recipients:=Array("(e-mail address removed)", [*
26 different addresses], "(e-mail address removed)")
Can anyone please help me expand the distribution list onto a second
line? is it something as simple as ", &" ?
I've been using this for over a year now, so it works great. However,
I've run out of room on the single line I have been using within VBA
to send the email to addresses.
All the code below does is save one worksheet within the workbook to a
file named the current date, then email that seperate file out to a
distribution list. The distribution list (below,
(e-mail address removed) to (e-mail address removed)) has been manually
typed in and updated as our group expands. The problem is I have run
out of room *sheepish* and don't know how to either expand this
distribution list onto a second line, or dump some addresses into the
CC for outlook.
If that's unclear - VBA simply won't let me type anymore characters
into the line I am using for the distribution list, and I need to add
more addresses.
Here's the (simple) code:
Private Sub WorkbookOpen()
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Daily Email").Copy
ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Formula = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.value
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs "\\Our_Server\Location\" & "Fleet Daily Status -
" & Format(Date, "Mmm-dd-yy") & ".xls"
ActiveWorkbook.SendMail Recipients:=Array("(e-mail address removed)", [*
26 different addresses], "(e-mail address removed)")
Can anyone please help me expand the distribution list onto a second
line? is it something as simple as ", &" ?