Sharat Koya
Hi I have tried to use the following line of code to disable the feature
"Save Word files as" option in Word options on document open:
Word.Options.DisableFeaturesbyDefault = False
by using this I was hoping to disable stop the option from renabling with
older documents also.
I also added the following line :
Me.DisableFeatures = False
However when I launch the document the Compatibility Option "Don't use HTML
paragraph auto spacing" is checked which alters the location of some of word
"Save Word files as" option in Word options on document open:
Word.Options.DisableFeaturesbyDefault = False
by using this I was hoping to disable stop the option from renabling with
older documents also.
I also added the following line :
Me.DisableFeatures = False
However when I launch the document the Compatibility Option "Don't use HTML
paragraph auto spacing" is checked which alters the location of some of word