Below is some code which was posted by 'Al Edlund' in responce to a similar
question I asked on microsoft.public.visio.database.modeling. I found it
particularly useful for a number of reasons, including the use of SQL to
query the database, the use of ADO and his informative error reporting. You
will also notice Al uses a custom property cell in Visio to store his
database location.
Below that is a simple ADO example, using SQL to query the database.
I recently purchased the Microsoft Access 2003 Bible - Praque, Irwin,
Reardon - Wiley Press - ISBN: 0-7645-3986-8. I found this book VERY useful
as it included sections on DAO, ADO SQL and the considerations you need to
make when designing a database. While this book is specifically written for
Access the ADO, DAO SQL code may be used in Visio.
Also, try a Google search for words such as 'ADO Explained', 'ADO
Tutorial', 'Learn ADO', 'ADO Explained', 'ADO Access Tutorial'. I found some
of the best references and answers to my questions this way.
Some Links I found this way:
Hope this Help's
' Dont forget to include the ADO Reference in VB (earlier replies to your
post explain this)
------Author: Al Edlund -------
' this subroutine creates a database record using a passed string
' GUID (usually from the pagObj_ShapeAdded event defined in ThisDocument)
Public Sub subCreateDbRecord(strDbTable As String, strIndex As String,
strGUID As String)
Dim intResult As Integer
Dim str_db_filename As String
Dim db As Database
Dim visDocument As Visio.Document
Dim visPage As Visio.Page
Dim SaveErr As Long
Dim errDB As ADODB.Error
Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim strProvider As String
Dim strSource As String
Dim strConn As String
Dim strSelect As String
strProvider = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;"
strSource = "Data Source="
Dim strProviderED As String ' the end delimter
strProviderED = ";"
On Error GoTo CreateRecord_Err
' first we have to find out which database is associated with this
' it is stored in a custom property on the sheet named "project
Set visDocument = Visio.ActiveDocument
Set visPage = visDocument.Pages.item("Project Definition")
str_db_filename = visDocument.Path &
' now create the connection string and open the database
strConn = strProvider & strSource & str_db_filename & strProviderED
cnn.Open strConn
' all shape properties will be saved in a table base on group
strSelect = "SELECT * FROM " & strDbTable
rst.Open strSelect, cnn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
' when we create the record we only put the pointer into it
' we will update all of the fields in another routine
rst.Fields(strIndex) = strGUID
Exit Sub
SaveErr = Err.Number
If SaveErr > 0 Then
Debug.Print "Err in subCreateDbRecord is " & Err & " " & Err.Description
Resume Next
End If
For Each errDB In cnn.Errors
Debug.Print "DB Create"
Debug.Print "DB Description: " & errDB.Description
Debug.Print "DB Number: " & errDB.Number & " (" & _
Hex$(errDB.Number) & ")"
Debug.Print "JetErr: " & errDB.SQLState
End Sub
------------ My Simple ADO Example -----------------
Public Sub NewCableNumber(intCableNumber, strCableDescription,
intCableLength, strCableTypeID)
On Error GoTo NewCableNumber_Error
' Sub to Add a New Cable to the database.
Dim MyConn As ADODB.Connection ' ADODB Connection Object
Dim dbFullName As String ' Full Database Path & Name
dbFullName = "H:\Visio\Cable Record - Development 3\Database\cable.mdb"
' Create the Connetion to the Database
Set MyConn = New ADODB.Connection
MyConn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data
Source=" _
& dbFullName & ";"
' Open the Database
' Execuite the SQL Statement Note the use of Variables in the SQL String
MyConn.Execute ("INSERT INTO tblCable(CableID, CableDescription,
CableLength, CableTypeID) VALUES('" & intCableNumber & "', '" &
strCableDescription & "', '" & intCableLength & "', '" & strCableTypeID &
' Close the Database
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error is " & Err.Description & " in sub NewCableNumber.",
vbCritical, "System Error"
End Sub