Using & Viewing SideNote



I downloaded and installed the SP1 preview over the
weekend, and so for I like it very much. The beta
training I found to be very helpful as well.

But I'm stumped by one of the features in the new
version - SideNote.

What I see is SideNote appearing as just another section
in the notebook. But from the training, it seems that it
is supposed to have it's own controls and the ability to
appear as a small widow on top of whatever page you
attach it to. Is this correct?

If so, then how do I change the current appearance (as a
full page or section in the notebook) to the "sticky
note" type functionality I'm looking for? This seems to
be the intended functionality, but I just can't seem to
get it to operate in that fashion.


Erik Sojka

The concept behind the Quicknote/Sidenote is that you can use it as a
temporary location (almost like a paper sticky note) on which you can
collect notes, research, links and text from other applications, then
later process those notes into your ON hierarchy or another application.

If you un-maximize (i.e. Restore) the window, the menu and some of the
toolbars disappear. The current section/page should float on top of the
rest of Windows, and you can then drag/drop/copy/paste/etc. to your
heart's content.

If you start ON in Quicknote/Sidenote mode (using the icon in the
Notification Area) then the Quicknote/Sidenote section appears. As
you've observed, the Quicknote/Sidenote window is just another section in
your ON file hierarchy.

Hope this helps!

Ben M. Schorr, MVP-OneNote

I downloaded and installed the SP1 preview over the weekend, and so for
I like it very much. The beta training I found to be very helpful as

But I'm stumped by one of the features in the new version - SideNote.

What I see is SideNote appearing as just another section in the
notebook. But from the training, it seems that it is supposed to have
it's own controls and the ability to appear as a small widow on top of
whatever page you
attach it to. Is this correct?

If so, then how do I change the current appearance (as a full page or
section in the notebook) to the "sticky
note" type functionality I'm looking for? This seems to
be the intended functionality, but I just can't seem to get it to
operate in that fashion.

Perhaps you've maximized the window? Just window it (with the button
in the middle at the top right). The Sidenote window is actually just
a small version of the full OneNote window - it removes most of the toolbars/menubars
and changes the look a bit. You can configure "Always on Top" though it's
not exactly "sticky note" style.


Thanks for the response! But I think I've found why I've
been confused about using this feature.

It's pretty simple: I don't get the OneNote icon in my
notification area on the taskbar. For whatever reason
this doesn't appear as seems it should.

If it were there, I should be able to click that icon
whenever I want to take a random note, correct? And
whatever program I'm using at that time would just have
the SideNote floating on top until I closed the note -
with the note content saved in the SideNote section of my

If this is all correct, then how do I get the proper icon
to show in my notification area? Could this be a beta
issue? Any fixes for this?


Ok - a little more info:

I've gone into the taskbar settings where I note that I
can view and alter the icons that appear in the
notification section. My SideNote icon appears in
the "Past Items" area. No amount of re-setting of it's
characteristics can get it to appear in the upper
location (current items), where the useable icons seen to

Anyone know where these notification icons reside in the
windows file structure, and how I can move the SideNote
icon into the useable area?

Kathy J

Will I do instead? I'm gonna send him to the same place....

This is a known problem with the Service Pack. You need to make a minor
adjustment to your registry in order to bring it back. Lucky for you, Ben
Schorr has the full details at the top of the OneNote FAQ page on his site:

Try the fix and let us know if it helps...

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
Co-Author of Life on OneNote - Coming Fall 2004 from Holy Macro! Books
Get OneNote answers at
Get PowerPoint answers at

I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived

Erik Sojka

Taskbar Properties, Taskbar Tab, Customize, Select the OneNote icon, and
change its setting to Always Show.

I personally just turn that feature off...


Erik - tried all that multiple times, but to no avail.
See post above - obviously this is a known problem.


All - tried the fix. Didn't work. Guess I'll just have
to wait for the released, final SP1.

Thanks for all the great help


Erik Sojka

Which fix?

You've created (or downloaded) the *.REG file? Did you
get any error messages when you imported the file into
the Registry? Can you manually verify in the Registry
Editor [1] that the correct value is present?

After verifying the above, can you go back into OneNote
and see the value under Tools | Options | Other says?

[1] all appropriate disclaimers about manually editing or
touching or looking funny at the Registry apply. Even
thinking about the Registry will cause gas and bloating
and will drain all of your bank accounts and ruin your

In any event, the lack of the icon in the Notification
Area shouldn't prevent you from using the SideNote
feature. When you want to create a note, navigate to the
Side Notes section, then Restore the ON window. You
don't *have* to activate the SideNote by using the icon...


Erik - yup, no matter how I set the characteristics,
including the "always on" position, the icon will not
appear in the notification area.

The settings in the notification area of the taskbar
controls have an upper and lower section, with the upper
area titled "current" items, and the lower called "past"
items. The icon for SideNote always appears in
the "past" items area. I can't get it to move to the
current area - even trying the registry fix that some
have suggested. And it seems that the icons in
the "past" area are not accessible.

Anyone know how to fix this?


Erik - thanks for all your interest and help on this. I
found the solution, trying a number of options based on
your suggestions.

What finally worked, after downloading and installing the
registry fix, was to go back into the tools menu in
OneNote and first turn off the "icon in notification
area" setting, but then immediately go back and reset it
to on. This on-off action obviously forced the icon to
re-set it's action.

What that did was to place the icon into the correct
area, but also when I looked at the taskbar settings, the
SideNote icon now appeared in the "current" items list.

Well, all appers fine and working as advertized. Thanks
to all who contributed to figureing this out.


-----Original Message-----
Which fix?

You've created (or downloaded) the *.REG file? Did you
get any error messages when you imported the file into
the Registry? Can you manually verify in the Registry
Editor [1] that the correct value is present?

After verifying the above, can you go back into OneNote
and see the value under Tools | Options | Other says?

[1] all appropriate disclaimers about manually editing or
touching or looking funny at the Registry apply. Even
thinking about the Registry will cause gas and bloating
and will drain all of your bank accounts and ruin your

In any event, the lack of the icon in the Notification
Area shouldn't prevent you from using the SideNote
feature. When you want to create a note, navigate to the
Side Notes section, then Restore the ON window. You
don't *have* to activate the SideNote by using the icon...
-----Original Message-----
All - tried the fix. Didn't work. Guess I'll just have
to wait for the released, final SP1.

Thanks for all the great help



Ben M. Schorr, MVP-OneNote

Thanks for the response! But I think I've found why I've been confused
about using this feature.

It's pretty simple: I don't get the OneNote icon in my
notification area on the taskbar. For whatever reason
this doesn't appear as seems it should.

If it were there, I should be able to click that icon
whenever I want to take a random note, correct? And
whatever program I'm using at that time would just have the SideNote
floating on top until I closed the note - with the note content saved
in the SideNote section of my notebook.

If this is all correct, then how do I get the proper icon
to show in my notification area? Could this be a beta
issue? Any fixes for this?

Yes, go to Tools | Options | Other and check the appropriate box. If
that doesn't work see the FAQ in the signature below for a fix.

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