using VLOOKUP to condense data on separate spreadsheet



Hello all-

I have two sheets, sheet1 and sheet2. I am condensing sheet1 (filled with
approx 5000 rows to sort through)

branch acct# name total
1 12345 misc $100.00
2 12345 misc $50.00
1 12367 oil $100.00

branch acct# name total
1 12345 misc ???

If I was doing an if/then setup on this, it would be IF branch=1 AND
acct#=12345 on Sheet1 THEN put the total from sheet1 into the
total cell for sheet2. What would be the best way to tackle this? I was
thinking starting =IF(VLOOKUP...What formula would I be placing in sheet2
total cell? Thanks In Advance - Jason

Teethless mama



I'm actually not looking to add the columns together, I just want to carry
the number in the total column from sheet1 to sheet2...what do you think?
Thanks, Jason


I would temporarily create 2 sheets; sort one for branch 1 only and one for
branch 2 only. You will need to do this for both files.
Then I would use the VLOOKUP function on each sheet, using the account
number as the lookup value and return your totals-- for example:

File 1 Sheet1: my look up sheet

File 2 Sheet 2: my return value sheet

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