Using VLookup when text isn't an exact match


Ken K

I am trying to match a list of data using Vlookup with an array that isn't an
exact match. Example, cell may have "red, white & blue" and the array has
"red". I want this to return a positive match, not N/A#.

Is there a way to do this using Vlookup or some other function?

Luke M

Need to use an array** function using SEARCH (or FIND, if you want

Let's say your lookup column is in A2:A10, return column is C2:C10, and
value to find is in A1


**Array formulas need to be confirmed using Ctrl+Shift+Enter,, not just Enter.


Assuming that F2:F10 is the lookup column, G2:G10 is the return column,
and A2 contains the lookup value, try...


Note, however, if F2:F10 contains or can contain empty/blank cells, try
the following formula instead...


....confirmed with CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER. Also, note that if for example
the lookup value is 'reddish, white & blue', the formula will return a
match, since 'red' occurs within the text string.


This was super helpful. Thanks so much!

Quick question to expand on this. What if there are multiple return values. For example, I will trying to search for "Bob" and here are multiple Bobs and I want to return all of their last names. Is there a way to do more than one?

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