Using word 2003 invoice templates in word 2007


Quercus Ashly

My customer invoices files are based on an invoice template in Word 2003.
These files will open in word 2007, but the price extentions do not auto
calculate in Word 2007 as they did in Word 2003. How can I activate the
fields to perform the calculations based in input to the Quantity and Unit
Price Fields? Thanks

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?UXVlcmN1cyBBc2hseQ==?=,
My customer invoices files are based on an invoice template in Word 2003.
These files will open in word 2007, but the price extentions do not auto
calculate in Word 2007 as they did in Word 2003. How can I activate the
fields to perform the calculations based in input to the Quantity and Unit
Price Fields?
Could you please give us more detail about these "price extensions"? What
kind of field underlies them? In a general way, Word doesn't auto calculate
anything, with the exception of form fields if the proper checkbox is
activated AND the form protection is on.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

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reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

Quercus Ashly

Thank you. The procedure you describe is exactly that which we did in the
older version of Word2000. Our invoice template and all the customer invoices
based on it are form protected. Upon starting the application, before opening
a specific invoice file, we open Tools>Templates and Add-ins; in the field
of Global templates we check the add-in box for This activates
the field calculations between the Quantity field and the Unit Price field
and the extension is filled in the Amount column. That column is auto summed
at the bottom.
We are trying to replicate this same procedure and results in Word2007. We
either need to install the add-in and/or activate it, but we have been unable
to do this. Thanks again.

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?UXVlcmN1cyBBc2hseQ==?=,
The procedure you describe is exactly that which we did in the
older version of Word2000. Our invoice template and all the customer invoices
based on it are form protected. Upon starting the application, before opening
a specific invoice file, we open Tools>Templates and Add-ins; in the field
of Global templates we check the add-in box for This activates
the field calculations between the Quantity field and the Unit Price field
and the extension is filled in the Amount column. That column is auto summed
at the bottom.
We are trying to replicate this same procedure and results in Word2007. We
either need to install the add-in and/or activate it, but we have been unable
to do this.
OK, this makes me think that the template contains macros, and that
certain form fields are linked to those macros (probably "On Exit"). If the
macros can't be found, then nothing happens.

Are you loading In Word 2007 you have to go over the Office
button/Word options/Add-ins, select Template Add-ins (I think that's how it's
called) from the dropdown list at the bottom to get the dialog box you already

If that's not working, then I'm guessing macro security is getting in your way.
You want to check that the folder containing this Add-in is set to be a "trusted
location" (that is also in Word Options) in order to allow the macros to run.
(Or the template has to be digitally signed through the VBA Editor with a
signature that's trusted on your system).

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

Quercus Ashly

Thank you. You surmised correctly on the calculation mechinism, and from your
navigation directions I was able to load the add-in. I am able to make the
calculations function. It did bring up another issue: The only way I have
found to make the "calculate on exit" function work is to first unprotect the
document, double click the field and then check that calculate on exit box.
This would be a rather time consuming process. Would you know of a way to
apply an instruction to avoid this necessity and the file would open with the
calculate on exit already enabled? Thanks. You have been of immense help.
Quercus Ashley

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?UXVlcmN1cyBBc2hseQ==?=,
You surmised correctly on the calculation mechinism, and from your
navigation directions I was able to load the add-in. I am able to make the
calculations function. It did bring up another issue: The only way I have
found to make the "calculate on exit" function work is to first unprotect the
document, double click the field and then check that calculate on exit box.
This would be a rather time consuming process. Would you know of a way to
apply an instruction to avoid this necessity and the file would open with the
calculate on exit already enabled?
It should be possible to run a little macro on the document, once, in order to
switch this setting on (all?) the form fields. Here's a bit of sample code

Sub ToggleOnCalculateOnExit()
Dim doc As Word.Document
Dim ffld As Word.FormField

Set doc = ActiveDocument
For Each ffld In doc.FormFields
ffld.CalculateOnExit = True
End Sub

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

Cindy M.

Ah, note to that code sample: it assumes the document is
unprotected. That can also be added to the macro...

Cindy Meister

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