Using word from access


Colin Foster

I need to be able to have a button on a form that opens a specific word
document which then merges a selected number of records from within the
database (those customers who are interested in a specific project rather
than all customers). Having printed the merged document (either auomatically
or with user intervention within word, word then closes & return to access.

As I see it I have two options... Either put a button to open word onto my
subform then, once word is open decide which template to,
perform the merge, save the document & close word, or do it all directly
from within Access.

With the first option, how do I restrict the records merged to the ones on
the subform? With the second

Thanks for any help
Colin Foster

PC Datasheet


For both options, create a recordset that contains the records you want to
merge. Then cycle through the recordset inserting the fields in the recordset
into the bookmarks of the template.

Colin Foster

Thanks for this...dumb question I guess, but... to create the recordset do I
just set up a query to pull out the information that I require? And, within
the word template presumambly I need to set up a number of fields linked to
the results of this query?
Sorry if I'm being a bit thick, but I'm having to work on this database
instead of going to the pub!
Colin Foster

PC Datasheet


Judging by your questions, it would be better if you found someone to set this
up for you! I could do it - my fees are very reasonable. If you are interested
in having me do it for you, contact me at the email address below.


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