Utility to Convert from 2000 to 2003



My limited understanding of converting from 2000 to 2003 is that the 2000 PST
file is in ASCII while the 2003 PST file is in Unicode. The recommended
procedure seems to be to open the 2000 PST in 2003 as a data file and then drag
and drop everything into 2003.

Is there any reason to purchase a $50 utility that directly converts the 2000
PST file? Is it likely that the utility will convert certain parts of the PST
that dragging and dropping will not handle, such as the MANY email accounts I
have in 2000?

I only have one computer to update, so spending the money doesn't seem worth it.
One shareware that I've examined is a
http://www.pstupgrade.com/convert-ansi-pst-to-unicode-pst, but there are
numerous utilities being advertised for the same purpose. (If anyone can explain
the difference between ASCII and Unicode and why 2003 uses Unicode, that would
be helpful.)

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

The utilities will save time - how much depends on the size of the pst. See
http://www.slipstick.com/outlook/ansi-to-unicode.asp for the various
methods. Along with larger file sizes, the unicode pst support unicode
fonts - this allows you to read email written in russian, arabic, etc.

These tools will not do anything to the profile (your email accounts). If
you are upgrading 'in place' the old profile will work but you really should
make a new profile. You can delete some files from your hard drive so
outlook 2003 recreates them and try the existing profile - then if you have
problems with outlook, try a new profile as the first troubleshooting step.

Delete the 4 files listed in solution 1 at
http://www.slipstick.com/outlook/ol2007/slow.htm - outlook will recreate
them. Maybe even delete everything except the *.pst files and the VBA
project (if using macros) from
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Outlook and
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook. Outlook will recreate
them as needed, in the format your current version uses.

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]

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Diane said:
The utilities will save time - how much depends on the size of the pst.
See http://www.slipstick.com/outlook/ansi-to-unicode.asp for the various
methods. Along with larger file sizes, the unicode pst support unicode
fonts - this allows you to read email written in russian, arabic, etc.

These tools will not do anything to the profile (your email accounts).
If you are upgrading 'in place' the old profile will work but you really
should make a new profile. You can delete some files from your hard
drive so outlook 2003 recreates them and try the existing profile - then
if you have problems with outlook, try a new profile as the first
troubleshooting step.

Delete the 4 files listed in solution 1 at
http://www.slipstick.com/outlook/ol2007/slow.htm - outlook will recreate
them. Maybe even delete everything except the *.pst files and the VBA
project (if using macros) from
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Outlook and
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook. Outlook will
recreate them as needed, in the format your current version uses.

Thanks, Diane. You have two utilities listed on your site. Have you tried either
or both of them? Can you make a recommendation? Plus, you provided the link to
http://www.slipstick.com/outlook/ol2007/slow.htm. Is that link for 2007 only? I
have an installation of 2000 that is very slow to open.

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

I haven't used any of the utilities - I prefer moving the folders myself.
Actually, I prefer moving just the newer items I need and keep the old pst
as an archive.

The page specifically addresses problems with 2007 - but solution 1 (and a
new profile) can be tried with all versions. Are you using Outlook 2000 in
Internet mode or Corp/Workgroup?

You mentioned you had several accounts - that will often cause outlook to
slow down as it takes time to check each account. Setting outlook to check
for new mail no more frequently than every 5 -8 min + 1 min per acct may

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]

Outlook Tips by email:
(e-mail address removed)

EMO - a weekly newsletter about Outlook and Exchange:
(e-mail address removed)

You can access this newsgroup by visiting
http://www.microsoft.com/office/community/en-us/default.mspx or point your
newsreader to msnews.microsoft.com.


Diane said:
I haven't used any of the utilities - I prefer moving the folders
myself. Actually, I prefer moving just the newer items I need and keep
the old pst as an archive.

The page specifically addresses problems with 2007 - but solution 1 (and
a new profile) can be tried with all versions. Are you using Outlook
2000 in Internet mode or Corp/Workgroup?

You mentioned you had several accounts - that will often cause outlook
to slow down as it takes time to check each account. Setting outlook to
check for new mail no more frequently than every 5 -8 min + 1 min per
acct may help.

That's not the problem. I'm probably moving to a new computer soon anyway, so
I'm really not going to spend a lot of time on it. Since this particular machine
and Office 2000 installation has been in use for 6 years or more, the problem
could be a funky PST file or even a wonky profile. The problem is not so bad
when I archive and get the PST below 500MB.

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