v lookup multilple columns



I have performed a vlookup of column d in spreadsheet 2. When I get
the error value as a return, I want to then perform the same lookup
against column e in spreadsheet 2. Soreadsheet 2 is sorted by column
d, then column e. This data will be updated and the worksheets
refreshed. Can anyone help?

T. Valko

What should happen if the lookup against column E results in an error?

How about posting the formula you are using?


I have performed a vlookup  of column d in spreadsheet 2.  When I get
the error value as a return, I want to then perform the same lookup
against column e in spreadsheet 2.  Soreadsheet 2 is sorted by column
d, then column e.  This data will be updated and the worksheets
refreshed.  Can anyone help?

I am using this formula to retrieve the data from column d. Because
the data is not sorted in column e, I have not been successful. The
errors in column e should be minimal, if any.

=VLOOKUP(C65,'[Consolidated Fin Plans -Oct6-1.xls]detail'!

T. Valko

I'm confused!
I have performed a vlookup of column d in spreadsheet 2.
When I get the error value as a return

OK, why are you getting an error?

It could be due to 1 of 2 reasons.

1. the lookup value, C65, does not exist in the lookup table
2. the lookup value, C65, does exist but there is an error in the
corresponding cell in column X

If the lookup value does not exist then you'll still get an error no matter
what column index number you use in the formula.

Microsoft Excel MVP

I have performed a vlookup of column d in spreadsheet 2. When I get
the error value as a return, I want to then perform the same lookup
against column e in spreadsheet 2. Soreadsheet 2 is sorted by column
d, then column e. This data will be updated and the worksheets
refreshed. Can anyone help?

I am using this formula to retrieve the data from column d. Because
the data is not sorted in column e, I have not been successful. The
errors in column e should be minimal, if any.

=VLOOKUP(C65,'[Consolidated Fin Plans -Oct6-1.xls]detail'!

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