Valid user cannot be resolved issue




I am using below code to resolve the "userName". It works absolutely fine
for 99% users but cannot resolve some of our users. Could anyone please
suggest what could be wrong? I am not sure but it has to do something with
their stored Outlook information?

Set rcp = Application.Session.CreateRecipient(userName)

If NOT rcp.Resolved = True Then
MsgBox "User " & """" & userName & """ could not be resolved."
End If

While researching on this issue, I ran into below scenario that might be the
reason? It happens when I have below type of user name entries. When I try to
resolve "foo, user", it doesn't get resolved but "foo, user(dept1)" gets
resolved successfully.

foo, user
foo, user(dept1)

Please note that both of above users are different. Do you think any
connection with these entries and naming resolution?

Moreover, I tried doing it from Outlook look up but I didn't see any
difference. For example, when I copy "foo user" in To list, and press Cntl+K,
it gives me pop-up for selecting between "foo user" and "foo user(dept1)".
The same pop up appears when I do look up for "foo user(dept1)". Not sure
where is the issue. I might need to check how resolve query works.



Michael, there is only one unique email address assign to both the users "foo
user" and "foo user(dept1)" and they are "foo (e-mail address removed)" and "foo
user(dept1)" respectively.

Those both users are completely different. The email addresses are like it
because "foo user" joined company first and then with same first and last
name other user joined the company. For second user, we append the
"(department name)" to differentiate with previous user.

I am not clear what could be the problem then. Could you please help me out.



I have given that example just to illustrate that we have different email
addresses. The exact email addresses would be "(e-mail address removed)" and
"(e-mail address removed)".


Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Resolution with names that aren't wholly unique can be a problem as the
resolution is usually done with an AddressBook restriction, and that uses a
StartsWith operator. So 2 addresses that start with "foo.user" will present
a resolution problem.

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