validate field by entering number twice




I want to validate a serial number by having the number entered twice. If
the numbers do not match I want a message box to pop up alerting the user
that the numbers do not match.

I was thinking of something along the lines of using On Dirty on the second
field with the code IIf ([serialnumber_1]<>[serialnumber_2],
[forms]!frmMsgBox). But I can't get this to work. Any suggestions?

Jeff Boyce


For what purpose...?

Why are the users entering a serial number? Is this initial data entry, or
is this using the serial number to look something (else) up?

On Dirty, I suspect, pertains to the form ... take a look at AfterUpdate on
the control. (by the way, in forms in Access, they are "controls". in the
tables, they are "fields")


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Access MVP

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J_Goddard via

Hi -

When you say "validate" the serial number, what are you really trying to do,
i.e. what do you mean by "Valid"? It could mean that it is formatted
correctly, or that it references an exisiting item or both, which will
determine how you validate it.

With your approach, a user could enter the same, but *wrong*, information in
both fields, and you might end up with bad data.

Can you give us more details, please?



I want to validate a serial number by having the number entered twice. If
the numbers do not match I want a message box to pop up alerting the user
that the numbers do not match.

I was thinking of something along the lines of using On Dirty on the second
field with the code IIf ([serialnumber_1]<>[serialnumber_2],
[forms]!frmMsgBox). But I can't get this to work. Any suggestions?


Hi Karen,

Presuming this is for the original data entry check you could try something
like this. I'm using two Text Boxes - txtSerial and txtValidate:

Private Sub txtValidate_AfterUpdate()
If Me.txtSerial.Value = Me.txtValidate.Value Then
MsgBox ("Serial number validated!")
MsgBox ("You mistyped the serial number. Please try again!")
Me.txtSerial.Value = Null
Me.txtValidate.Value = Null
End If
End Sub

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