


Hola a todos: Alguien sabe como se puede validar el nombre NetBios de una PC
desde un proyecto de Acces?? o alguna funcion que me diga desde que pc en la
red se esta ejecutando mi proyecto? Gracias por adelantado.

Hi everyone. Here is my cuestion: does anyone knows how can i validate the
NetBios name of a PC running my project in access? or any fuction in VB for
that pourpouse?. Many thanks in advance.

Sorry for my english is not so good.

Chris Mills

I use NetBIOS within Access. But it requires the writing of a dll in C or C++
(etc), and like any dll the functions are callable from Access.

Access does not have an intrinsic function to do it, no.

My code is nothing special - it is straight from a NetBIOS book "C Programmers
Guide to NetBIOS, IPX, and SPX".

Though I use (used) NetBIOS because it was the most compatible with all
Operating Systems at the time, nowadays you'd use a higher-level protocol such
as Named Pipes, RPC, whatever. I think it is dangerous to rely on a low-level
protocol, as there is no guarantee it will remain supported, for instance
NetBEUI was more-or-less dropped.


(PS looking through my NetBIOS code, I seem to have no reason to "validate the
NetBios name". For diagnostics, if that's what you mean, use nbtstat -n)
(anyone interested can run it without special s/w) (there are always multiple
names, not just one)


Google the groups on:

netbios "declare function"

Some of those results look useul.



Thanks all of you,, in another group of Accesss i get this one
it works just fine. Thanks again.

Douglas J. Steele

I always cringe when people suggest using an environment variable for this
purpose, given how easy it is to reset an environment variable.

Far safer, in my opinion, is to use the GetComputerName API call. See­/api0009.htm at "The Access Web" for a
complete sample.

Chris Mills

Indeed, in any case environment variables are "user-set text" and the
computername is not available that way unless previously and specifically set.
However, most users would have forgotten "MS-DOS" environment variables :)

If it's for security validation, ComputerName is different from the hardware
"MAC Address". The former may well be less hassle if "changing computers". (or
so I imagine)


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