Validation Alert Problem



I have a form that i built in FP 2003.
Everything was fine, but I had some cosmetics corrections (I put all the
fields in a table to align everything).
After that, I lost the pop-up alert for requires fileds.
Instaed I get an HTML that shows the validations.

How do I bring back the pop-up?

Thomas A. Rowe

Check to be sure that your table is within the opening and closing form tags, and that you are
working within a currently open FP web / site and the opening the form page.

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage


First, from a security angle, you should move your results file to the
_private folder. This folder has permissions set to prevent anonymous
users downloading the results .csv file, which is possible in its
present location.

The <form> tag has an incomplete onsubmit= attribute. At the moment it
says onsubmit="", it should be
onsubmit="return FrontPage_Form1_Validator(this)"

Try opening the site ( ) in FrontPage and
running Tools->Recalculate Hyperlinks
This may correct the problem. If it fails then make a change to the
form and save the page.

Note that in FrontPage code/HTML view, the <form> tag will be <form
method="POST" action="--WEBBOT-SELF--"> This is changed when the page
is saved - preview in browser and view->Source to see the true tag and
Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
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