Validation & Circular Reference Problems



Do you know of a way to create a group of Data Validation Lists that
derive their content from the same source such that each entry which is
selected causes other entries to become unselectable? For example, if I
select the 3rd item in the list, can the 4th item be striken-out,
crossed-out, shaded-out, or otherwise set apart from the others to
indicate that it should not be selected? And is there a way to cause
this effect to be reversable without creating a Circular Reference;
i.e., selecting entry 4 would affect entry 3 in the manner stated
above. In short, picking #3 negates #4 &/OR picking #4 negates #3.
Also, is there a way to cause a comment to appear in the validation
list to indicate this point (not a validation comment, but one within
the list), such that any negated entry is still visible but not
selectable? If this is not available in standard excel, is there a VBA
that might give this result?

Any help would be appreciated in this matter, and for any additional
questions, comments, or thoughts I may be reached at
(e-mail address removed) or (e-mail address removed)


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