validation lists & drop-down menus




i'm working w/ excel 2002.

in the image below i have an example picture.

i am creating a list of items, ie fruit.

and i am using validation to limit a cell's contents to an item fro
the list.

QUESTION: is there a way to increase the size of the drop-down men
listing? ie: increase the font size of the items? or increase th
number of viewable items when you pull down the list (say to 10 or 2
items in the viewable range)? also, is there a way to have th
possible selections pop up as you type in? ie: if i type m into th
box, it will automaticlaly show me "mango" as a possibility?

thank you for your help

|Filename: excel.JPG

Gord Dibben


DV lists are quite restrictive. Most of the points you raise cannot be done
using DV drop-downs.

Best you use a combo-box which can be resized and re-fonted.

See Debra Dalgleish's site for this.

If need more on DV, hit Home when at the above site then scroll dow to DV

Gord Dibben Excel MVP

\On Mon, 29 Aug 2005 14:06:57 -0500, davedog

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