Validation (Not Sure)


s boak

Hi Folks:

I have a fairly simple form we use internally to order samples.
We are always forgetting to enter data in some of the fill-in cells.
Is there a way to require certain cells are filled in either through
Validation or Macro??

Many Thanks

Debra Dalgleish

Hi Steve,

If you just need to be reminded to fill in the cells, you could use
conditional formatting to colour the cells a bright yellow if they are

Or, select all the cells in which data is required, and name the range,
e.g. DataEntry. Then, format a cell with a large, bold red font, and
enter the following formula:

=IF(COUNTA(DataEntry)<6,"Data is Missing!!!","")

where 6 is the number of cells in the data entry range.

s boak

Thanks much
Will give it a whirl


Debra Dalgleish said:
Hi Steve,

If you just need to be reminded to fill in the cells, you could use
conditional formatting to colour the cells a bright yellow if they are

Or, select all the cells in which data is required, and name the range,
e.g. DataEntry. Then, format a cell with a large, bold red font, and
enter the following formula:

=IF(COUNTA(DataEntry)<6,"Data is Missing!!!","")

where 6 is the number of cells in the data entry range.

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