I'm using Access 2003 and I'm trying to create a validation rule that won't
let data be entered if the amount is below $5.
I've tried the following:
1. Validation Rule: >=$5.00 (With Validation Text "Enter $5.00 or more)
2. Validation Rule: =IIf([Price]< $5.00, "Enter $5.00 or more")
I've tried some variations on these, such as moving quotations, taking out
the beginning equal sign, taking out decimal places, but can't seem to get
past the message:
"The expression you entered contains invalid syntax"
I also get the following expression:
"This expression is typed incorrectly, or is too complex to be evaluated."
Given than the expressions I've attempted don't seem complicated, I'm
guessing that I'm not using the correct syntax, or have not created the
correct variable.
let data be entered if the amount is below $5.
I've tried the following:
1. Validation Rule: >=$5.00 (With Validation Text "Enter $5.00 or more)
2. Validation Rule: =IIf([Price]< $5.00, "Enter $5.00 or more")
I've tried some variations on these, such as moving quotations, taking out
the beginning equal sign, taking out decimal places, but can't seem to get
past the message:
"The expression you entered contains invalid syntax"
I also get the following expression:
"This expression is typed incorrectly, or is too complex to be evaluated."
Given than the expressions I've attempted don't seem complicated, I'm
guessing that I'm not using the correct syntax, or have not created the
correct variable.