validations and formulas


Scott Hecht

i want to set up a validation so that if the number in the
cell drop below 0 that the warning boc appears. example

i want to set a allowed amount for meto soend each month

in the month of jan i have 1200 to spend. so each week i
would enter how much i spend and have a formla set up to
take away from the 1200 budget. once the 1200 is gone and
drops below zero i want a warning to let the user know
they have spend more than 1200.

i found that validations dont work with formulas.

please help

Andy B


Have a look at Format / Conditional Formatting. You could use this to make
the cell format change - eg change the background red, or something. Another
option is to have a formula in the next cell. If your budget is in A2 and
your spend is in B2, try this in C2:




that is the alternative that i used but i want to knew why
a cant seem to have a warning validation when the cell has
a formula.


Debra Dalgleish

If your budget amount is in cell E1, and you are entering your expenses
in column B:

Select column B
Choose Data>Validation
From the Allow dropdown, choose Custom
In the formula box, type: =SUM(B:B)<=$E$1
Click OK

You will be able to type amounts in column B until you reach the total
in cell E1

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