Valided alphanumeric value



I want to valided or check of a cell value which content alphanumeric. the
features of alphanumeric value is -
1) lenth should not exceed 10
2) First five character should be alphabatic, next four character should be
numeric & last character should be alphabetic. as example - ABCDE1234E
So is there any way to do the same.
Thanks in advance.


Try this UDF either in a cell or in a custom validation formula:
Function Val_AN(ANstring)
Val_AN = True
If Len(ANstring) <> 10 Then
Val_AN = False
For d = 1 To 10
If d <= 5 Or d = 10 Then
If Mid(ANstring, d, 1) < "A" Or Mid(ANstring, d, 1) > "Z" Then
Val_AN = False
Exit For
End If
If Mid(ANstring, d, 1) < "0" Or Mid(ANstring, d, 1) > "9" Then
Val_AN = False
Exit For
End If
End If
Next d
End If
End Function


„Montu†ezt írta:

Teethless mama

=IF((LEN(LEFT(A1,MIN(FIND({0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9},A1&1234567890))-1))=5)*(ISNUMBER(SUM(MID(A1,ROW(INDIRECT("6:8")),1)+0)))*(LEN(A1)=10)*(ISERR(RIGHT(A1,1)+0)),"OK","Not OK")

ctrl+shift+enter, not just enter

T. Valko

If you want this as a data validation rule copy/paste the formula into the
data validation refedit. If you want this as a worksheet function enter the
formula as an array ** :


Meets these conditions:

Length must be 10 chars long
The first 5 chars must be A-Z or a-z only
The 6th to 9th chars must be the digits 0-9 only
The 10th char must be A-Z or a-z only

** array formulas need to be entered using the key combination of

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